As the olympics just concluded, I was reminded of the importance of our mental game as high performing professionals.
Most athletes that operate at the elite level have cracked the code on being mindful and calm. “Practice might get you to the Olympics, but mental preparation may be what puts you on the podium. Sport psychologists and an increasing number of coaches use techniques such as visualization, meditation, and a mind–body approach known as the personality parts approach, which combines self-talk, meditation and relaxation, and goal-setting.”
The universe is always trying to guide you toward your most fulfilling path of what success and “winning” is for you. However, many times we get in our own way and let our uncontrolled thoughts get the best of us. Have you been there? I have a million times. Working against myself and ending up frustrated at the outcome.
With the never-ending hamster wheel of to-do lists, deadlines, obligations, and distractions, the signs to shift, grow or redirect our path often go unnoticed. That is, until we learn to lighten our mental load, connect with our intuition, and pay attention.
Practicing mindfulness allows us to slow down and become more aware of our surroundings, making it easier to notice these subtle signs. When we are present in the moment, we are more attuned to the guidance that the universe offers. This heightened awareness can lead to profound insights and inspiration that might otherwise be overlooked.
This was the case for me in 2017 when I was beginning to share my pioneering perspectives on being a whole human in corporate America. What started by way of thought leadership articles on LinkedIn, led to requests for public speaking engagements. With each ask, I was motivated to share my experiences and insights with others, to help them find their own path to success. I was determined to make a difference and to create a positive ripple effect in corporate America and beyond.
The signs were all pointing me down this path. But I had to do the inner work to face the fears and worrisome thoughts of humiliation and rejection to run a business doing what I learned I love.
Your dreams are unbound by fear and anxiety. They're completely possible and exist in your awareness for a reason. You just have to beware that it’s those uncontrolled thoughts that will keep the shade drawn on seeing the signs toward your most fulfilling life path and true success.
We’re always on the precipice of change and transformation. Are you taking a chance on yourself to be who you know you are deep down?