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A Powerful 5-Week Journey to Personal Development

Join Erin’s signature small group experience to build resilience, shift your mindset and habits, and boost emotional intelligence with her thoughtful guidance and mindful practices.


Hey there,
I'm Erin Coupe.

I’m a former corporate executive who turned a journey of stress into a life of purpose. With over 17 years of experience and deep studies in neuroscience, I help others lead authentically and thrive. In my free time, I enjoy time with my family, running, Pilates, and cooking!

Feeling is Your Superpower

Writer's picture: Erin CoupeErin Coupe

Erin Craig and their boys in the kitchen slicing apples

These are unprecedented times in our world. From somewhere else in the universe looking toward mother Earth I wonder if there is a dark cloud covering the planet. The virus (literally COVID-19, figuratively FEAR) has sent shockwaves through all of us and has thrown humanity in its entirety off course. This poisonous demon is bringing people down in more ways than we could have thought possible, both directly and indirectly. 

I have deep empathy for us as a human race right now. Since the virus seems to not be containable, we the people are contained instead. Forced isolation in an attempt to halt the spread of the illness. Ironically, people must now sit with their fear, and because there’s nowhere to escape, they must choose to allow more fear in or to distance themselves from the source of fear itself. Except, it’s not that easy. Most people do not know they have a choice. Nor do they have the tools to manage the ricochet of emotions that arise from consuming the fear. While I understand the necessity to keep physical bodies distant, the emotional effects of this isolation are far more drastic. 

The anxiety (worry about the future) and stress (survival instinct) that is pervading human consciousness is the real pandemic. Of most importance to me is how the psyches of millions are being antagonized by the media and tried as they internally attempt to make sense of nonsensical external influences. This is a true challenge to our individual mindset and mental strength. Collectively, it’s a test against what it means to be human. 

As scrutiny on government and world leaders is increasing our individual freedoms are decreasing. This is a time of governmental ultimatum to all of us. It’s all creating a new normal. I can’t help but think about what legislation and new laws may come about in response to this outbreak once it can be looked at in hindsight. I haven’t really been scared this past week, but when I think about that, well I feel a bit scared. 

There are undoubtedly changes ahead of us as a global human race. It may seem that we have no control over what’s to come, yet I believe we have the ability to rise together for a positive outcome. Where we go from here has to be in the hands of the people, the collective, not a few ‘rulers’. We can come out on the other side of this even stronger. We can be more conscious, compassionate, accepting and loving when this is said and done. We must choose to believe in our own inherent good and the greater good of humanity. 

But first, it’s time to WAKE UP. We as humans must realize that we are ONE species. Now is OUR chance to acknowledge that the perceived differences among us were always an illusion. They were programmed into our knowing, not fundamental to our existence. We are not that different - we are more alike than we have ever been granted permission to understand. The levels of separation (class, religion, privilege, preference, etc.) that human beings have experienced for centuries were man-made. Separation was created by historical figures that deemed control over other humans as true power. They took advantage of the people and placed self-serving ideologies onto them using fear tactics, rather than using their internal power to be of service to the people. 

Power is NOT control. Power is within not without. It is awareness, kindness, and heart, not money, status or influence. This has been confused and mistaken for far too long. But, if true power resides within why don’t we all know how to tap into it and utilize it? Because we haven’t been empowered to know nor given the tools to do so. 

As human beings, we have the innate ability to be mindful of what comes into our awareness. Consider your awareness your “energy field”. Energy is constantly in motion everywhere, like waves in the ocean, however we do not see it, we feel it. Energy in motion is also E-MOTION. The emotions that come in and out of our individual awareness, are actually not so individual. They are the same for all and no one is untouchable. What differs person to person is our reactions. The reactions, or responses, we have to the same exact emotion depend on our mindset (inner landscape and perspective of the external world), physicality (sleep, nutrition, exercise), and view of self (self-love, self-esteem, self-respect). 

You have the ability to choose how to respond to whatever comes into your awareness. Do you let it consume you and ruin your day? Do you try to make it go away by squelching it or ignoring it? Do you project it outward onto others? Do you numb it by drinking or eating junk food? We have all done these things, it does not make us bad or wrong. Negative emotions aren’t bad either. They are a part of what it means to be human. It’s what we do with them that matters. This is where your power lies. 

“The reactions, or responses, we have to the same exact emotion depend on our mindset (inner landscape and perspective of the external world), physicality (sleep, nutrition, exercise), and view of self (self-love, self-esteem, self-respect).”

With the intention to uplift, empower and help you cope over the coming weeks I am sharing a technique that I teach and I have practiced on my journey of personal transformation. This tool has changed how I feel about myself and it's improved my relationships and interactions. It has morphed my mindset positively, enhanced my emotional awareness and given me more clarity than I ever thought I could have. Negative emotions do not ever go away, but our responses to them can change our lives and the lives of those with whom we connect.  

How to BE MINDFUL when an EMOTION enters your AWARENESS:


    Think of it as a toddler (or if kids aren’t your thing, a dog) that wants your attention. It just wants to be acknowledged and for you to give it some attention. If it is ignored it doesn’t just go away. It will continue to pester you and it will cause a reaction or a rise out of you. So, give it your attention. It has come in for a reason. This is a crucial factor of being human that people have not been taught - just recognize the emotion.


    This is your superpower, to feel! It’s what makes being human so fascinating. It is in stillness that your awareness, your consciousness can grasp the emotion. To be still means to be present. People are so used to going a mile a minute and operating from an almost robotic, completely unconscious, unaware state of mind. This is why they numb, project, squelch. When you are present you can gain clarity as to what you are feeling in the moment. 


    Within your awareness ask about the lesson you are to learn by feeling this emotion right now. Oftentimes, negative emotions are there to show us that we are focused on something that does not serve our highest good. Be patient with this - you will likely not get answers right away. Or you may not see them clearly. This technique won’t come naturally in the beginning so do not expect it. Like anything in life, it takes practice, time and effort. Reactions will continue to happen as you keep at it, and that’s okay. Remember, you are learning a new technique.


    You have a choice to allow the emotion to spark negative reactions, get stuck, cause stress. Or to allow it to move through you. Be grateful to the emotion for coming to your awareness and for giving you a chance to be mindful. Let the emotion know that even though it was there, you choose only to respond, not react. Speak to yourself kindly, with love and compassion and respond from that place. 

Regardless of what you believe in or follow this is a tool that will enrich your human experience and deepen your relationship with yourself. The past is the past but it’s behind us. We are not going to improve our quality of life or experience on this Earth by looking in the rearview mirror. We are also not best served by adhering to old paradigms. Let’s change our ways of being. Let’s be present and create a better future for ALL OF HUMANITY!



Hey there,
I'm Erin Coupe.

I’m a former corporate executive who turned a journey of stress & anxiety into a life of purpose. With two decades of business acumen, self-development and deep studies in neuroscience, I help others lead authentically and thrive. In my free time, I enjoy being with my family, running, Pilates, and cooking!

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