How much attention do you pay to your EGO? Do you reflect on how often the wounded version of your ego (your shadow) takes the lead in your life? This is the insecure, judgmental, hyper-critical voice that plays out in your mind. Are you letting this part of you tell you who you are, what you're capable of, and be the voice that moves you to action or inaction? And if so, do you feel fulfilled?
These are the questions to ask when you're on the brink of transformation. When you feel that you've had enough of the way things have always been. You want to get out of your own way (or as my dear client Steve put it earlier "stop being your own worst enemy"). You're ready for more. More joy, love, peace, presence and abundance.
The EGO is tricky because the shadow, while part of you, is shunned and shamed by you. This makes it hard to embrace and face this part of you let alone to accept it and transform it. Yet, that's exactly what needs to happen, and it's not the easy nor the norm because it's uncomfortable.
The most powerful thing you can do to actualize your potential and grow beyond your wildest dreams is to know the voice of your ego, know the voice of your soul and choose mindfully which you allow to run the show.
Your soul is expansive and ambitious. It believes that everything is possible. Your ego is restrictive and timid. It believes playing small is what keeps you safe.
Your soul is on a mission to live its best life here and now, not some time in the future. Your ego makes excuses and creates obstacles to keep you in your comfort zone or tell you that you'll be happy one day in the distance.
Your soul chooses its path and knows the emotions it experiences are part of the journey. Your ego seeks to people please and gain status and holds onto the emotions as its truth.
Your soul demonstrates what it means to be whole and authentic. Your ego drowns it out by keeping you on the hunt for more superficiality.
Your soul is a magnet of attraction for what it's after in this lifetime. Your ego pursues only that which is short term gain, even if that short term gain is a long term loss.
Your soul trusts in its divine timing and listens to the signals of its intuitive voice to navigate the game of life. Your ego does not like to wait and forces things while telling you false narratives that keep you stuck in old patterns.
Your soul wants to learn and expand. Your ego doesn't want to put in the effort.
If you're hearing your inner, quiet voice pushing you to grow and nudging you out of your comfort zone, that's your soul wanting to expand. On the other side of taking the step toward growth is abundance, a new mindset, fresh perspective and transcending (not eliminating) your ego.